About HCAM PDF Print

The Health Care Auxiliary of Minnesota (HCAM) is an organization of auxiliaries and/or volunteer groups serving health care facilities across Minnesota. HCAM represents 83 health care auxiliaries in Minnesota totaling in excess of 18,000 persons volunteering in services to hospitals and long-term care facilities. In 2013 those volunteer services represented statewide more than 1.3 million hours at a total estimated value of $29.75 million. These same groups raised funds in excess of $3.3 million for their facilities.

Heart of Minnesota Awards PDF Print



HCAM recognizes the importance of outstanding leadership to the success of an auxiliary or volunteer program. We as auxilians or volunteers work closely with the personnel and administration in our hospitals and care facilities. We take pride in all they do for us. Their interest, effort, encouragement and support make our auxiliaries and volunteer programs effective.

As HCAM members you are encouraged to submit nominations for the Heart of MN Awards for your outstanding volunteer, your outstanding volunteer director and/or your CEO that has provided you with outstanding support.

Download the nomination forms and submit by July 31, 2016.

Outstanding Senior Leadership Award [award form]

Outstanding Volunteer Resource Professional [award form]

Volunteer of the Year [award form]

Award Recipients 2015

Established in 1993, the Outstanding Senior Leadership Award (formerly Administrator of the Year) honors a health care administrator who demonstrates a cooperative, supportive, enthusiastic and well defined relationship with his/her auxiliary or volunteer program.

HCAM HM Mark Anderson







Mark Anderson, President and CEO Knute Nelson in Alexandria


The Outstanding Volunteer Resource Professional (formerly Volunteer Director of the Year) award was established in 2000 to

recognize and honor those who manage and direct volunteer program.

HCAM HM Betsy Meyer














Betsy Meyer, CHI St Joseph's Health in Park Rapids


In 2009, HCAM membership voted to establish an award to honor a Volunteer of the Year.

This award honors a volunteer who goes “above and beyond” to enhance the lives of the patients and/or residents.

HCAM HM Diane Reder

LaDean Moen  presents the Volunteer of the Year Award to Kathy Croke.

Kathy is a volunteer at the Benedictine Health Center in Duluth.



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HCAM Quarterly Newsletter PDF Print

Pat Rice from District One Hospital in Faribault was honored at the

Minnesota Stae Fair for her outstanding work as a volunteer.

HCAM Pat Rice













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